
About Cornwallipedia

Welcome to Cornwallipedia. Cornwall is a distinct county and Duchy in the south western part of the UK with its own culture, language and lifestyle.

What’s a Duchy you say?

There is often a lot of confusion around what the Duchy is, who is behind it, and what it actually owns in Cornwall.

Founded in 1337 by Edward III for his son and heir, Prince Edward, the Duchy of Cornwall is a private estate of approximately 53,300 hectares in 23 counties of England and Wales.

The Duchy estate includes over 600 residential lettings and more than 700 agricultural tenancies.

It also consists of 28,875 hectares of farmland, 3,300 hectares of woodland, and 160 miles of coastal margins.


In short – It’s Royal. That’s why we have the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall.

Who are they you say?

Prince Charles, Duke of Cornwall

Prince Charles is the Duke of Cornwall. And the Duchess?

Duke and Duchess of Cornwall

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall is Prince Charles’ wife. Previously it was Princess Diana who had the title, the Duchess of Cornwall and she remains close to our hearts.

According to the Duchy of Cornwall website, the income generated by the Duchy of Cornwall estate funds the public, charitable and private activities of The Prince of Wales and his family.

Check out their website for further info

Princess Diana, Former Duchess of Cornwall

So you can appreciate just how special Cornwall is and it’s simply a must see if you are visiting England.

Flights from London are only around £35 and in just over an hour you have the freedom and stunning beauty of this Royal Duchy to explore.

Check out our Valentines blog for some surprise Valentines gifts and ideas on where to eat.

How wonderful to fly in, romantic dinner, stunning view, spa, stay the night in one of Cornwall’s top hotels followed by breakfast and flight home arriving back at the office before 9am. Sneaky eh?

But it’s possible for sure. Try for flight availability first.

And how about a goody bag awaiting your loved one on your arrival.

More soon…..

The legendary King Arthur of Tintagel

This site is for everything a visitor would need to know about Cornwall, including its history, heritage and culture, beaches, adventure sports, events and celebrations, where to stay, arts and crafts.

We even include emergency contact numbers in the county and travel information on how to get here and the various travel options.

Updates daily so make sure you add Cornwallipedia.

If you are a business based in Cornwall we are always happy to receive your press releases and tourism related content, interesting facts and historical items in the hope that this site will be the Cornwall expert. Look forward to hearing from you all.

Join us and please advise your visitors and guests where to look for free ideas and inspiration to enhance their stay here in Cornwall.

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